MKE Week 20: Magic

“Thinking is the true business of life, power is the result.  You are at all times dealing with the magical power of thought and consciousness.  What results can you expect so long as you remain oblivious to the power which has been placed within your control.” Haanel Master  Key, 20.4

I bought the audible version of the Master Key and have been listening to it on the commute to and from work.  I am finding it a powerful addition to the readings of Haanel.  Different pieces catch my ear than caught my eye.  The work magical popped out, along with power, thought, and consciousness.  

My brain has a mind of its own (pun intended ;-))

My thoughts veer off into scenes, conversations, plans…  I find I am much more gentler with myself when listening than when I am reading. When I realize my thoughts have taken a path, I rewind the audible, and I become more and more aware about how and why and when I stop listening to the text and veer off.

I forgot my Franklin word this week, but I realized I have been noticing and seeing magic.  In people and places and events. In myself.

So I added the word magic to my Franklin Makeover….

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